About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TAV
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TAV Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of TAV?
Army Total Asset Visibility
Compania de Servicios Aereos Tavisa Table of Authorized Vehicles Tank Air Valve Target Acquisition and Verification Technical assistance visit Technical Availability Test and Verification The Astronomer Variable Thosea asigna virus Time average velocity Time-averaged mean velocity Time-averaged velocity Tomato aspermy cucumovirus Tomato aspermy virus Total Army Visibility Total Asset Visibility Trans Atmospheric Vehicle Trans-Atmospheric Vehicle Transactivator Transactivator/viroplasmin Transatmospheric Vehicle Transcutaneous aortovelography Transverse Acoustic-wave Voltage Transverse Acoustoelectronic Voltage Trapped air volume Tricuspid aortic valve Trim Air Valve Tropical Atlantic Variability |
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