About The Abbreviation Or Acronym TAF

Bay Area Crosswords

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TAF Meaning
TAF Meaning

What's The Meaning Of TAF?

Tactical Air Force
Tactical Air Forces
Taiwan Accreditation Foundation
Taiwan Air Force
Targeted Accessibility Fund
TATA Associated Factor
TBP-associated factor
Technical Assistance Facility
Template activating factor
Terminal Access Facility
Terminal Adaptation Function
Terminal Adaptation Functions
Terminal Adoption Function
Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts
Terminal Airfield Forecast
Terminal Area Forecast
Terminal Area Forecasts
Terminal Aviation Forecast
Test, Analyse and Fix
That's All Folks
That's All, Folks
The Appraisal Foundation
The Asia Foundation
Thin And Fat
Thought-action fusion
Time Adjustment Factor
Time And Frequency
Tissue angiogenesis factor
Top of active fuel
Torque Amplification Factor
Total abdominal fat
Total abdominal fat volumes
Toxin-antitoxin floccules
Toxoid-antitoxin floccules
Tracheal aspirate fluid
Tracheobronchial aspirate fluid
Tracheobronchial aspiration fluid
Tracking and Analysis Framework
Trainee Assessment Form
Training Analysis and Feedback
Trans-acting factor
Transcriptional activation factor
Transient Adaptation Factor
Transparent Application Failover
Trim after forming
Truss Assembly Fixture
Tumor angiogenesis factor
Tumor angiogenesis factors
Tumor angiogenic factor
Tumor-derived adhesion factor
Tumour angiogenesis factor
Turkish Air Force
Turkish Armed Forces

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

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