About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SMV

Bay Area Crosswords

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SMV Meaning
SMV Meaning

What's The Meaning Of SMV?

Santa Maria Valley Railroad
Santa Maria Valley Railroad Company
Santa Maria Valley Railroad Corporation
Science Museum of Victoria
Science Museum of Virginia
Selectable Mode Vocoder
Selectable Mode Vocoders
Self Monitoring Variable
Sesbania mosaic virus
Simultaneous multiple volume
Simultaneous Multithreaded Vector
Sinusoidal membrane vesicles
Skeletal muscle ventricle
Skeletal muscle ventricles
Slow-moving vehicle
Smart Multi-Variable
Snow Mountain virus
Software Motion Video
Soybean mosaic virus
Space Maneuver Vehcile
Space Maneuver Vehicle
Space Maneuver Vehicles
Space Maneuvering Vehicle
Spawner-isolated mortality virus
Spiral modiolar vein
Stentless mitral valve
Submentovertical projection
Superior mesenteric vein
Superior mesenteric venous
Surveying and Mapping Victoria
Symbolic Model Verifier

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