About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SMA

Bay Area Crosswords

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SMA Meaning
SMA Meaning

What's The Meaning Of SMA?

Safety and Mission Assurance
Saint Mary's Academy
Saint Michael's Academy
Saint Michaels Academy
San Manuel Arizona Railroad
San Manuel Arizona Railroad Company
Santa Maria, Azores
Santa Monica Alternative
Sarasota Military Academy
Saskatchewan Mining Association
Savi Manifest Application
Scala media area
Scale Manufacturers Association
Scandium Magnesium Aluminate
Scheduled Maintenance Action
Schweizerische Meteorologische Anstalt
Science Masters Association
Science Monitoring Area
Screen Manufacturers Association
Seafood Marketing Association
Search Mode Acquisition
Second-Moment Approximation
Secondary Mirror Assembly
Security Manager Agent
Segmental mediolytic arteritis
Seismic Margins Assessment
Semiconductor Manufacturers Association
Senior Management Advisor
Sensor Module Assembly
Sequential multichannel autoanalyzer
Sequential Multiple Analysis
Sequential Multiple Analyzer
Sequential multiplex amplification
Sergeant Major of the Army
Serratia Marcescens
Server Management Application
Server Management Architecture
Service Maintenance Areas
Severe malarial anaemia
Severe malarial anemia
Shape Memory Alloy
Shape memory alloys
Shared Memory Architecture
Sheffield Metallurgical Association
Shelf Management Agent
Shelving Manufacturers Association
Shielded metal arc
Shielded metal arc welding
Shoreline Management Act
Signaling Management Architecture
Simple Moving Average
Simulation Model Adapter
Simultaneous multichannel autoanalyzer
Singapore Manufacturers Association
Singapore Manufacturers' Federation
Singapore Maritime Academy
Singapore Medical Association
Singapore MIT Alliance
Single-Mode Approximation
SMA Airlines
Small mesenteric arteries
Small mesenteric artery
Smooth muscle
Smooth muscle actin
Smooth muscle alpha-actin
Smooth muscle antibodies
Smooth muscle antibody
Smooth muscle antigen
Smooth muscle autoantibodies
SNA Management Architecture
Snow Mountain Agent
Society for Medical Anthropology
Society of Management Accountants
Society of Management Accountants of Canada
Society of Manufacturers Agents
Society of Maritime Arbitrators
Society of Medieval Archeology
Society of Mineral Analysts
Society of Municipal Arborists
Society of Museum Archaeologists
Society of Museum Archeologists
Soft Magnetic Alloy
Software and Management Associates
Software Maintenance Agreements
Software Maintenance Association
Software Migration Assistant
Soil Moisture Accounting
Soil Moisture Accounting Model
Solid Motor Assembly
Somatomedin a
Somatomedin activity
Sorbitol MacConkey agar
Source Managed Agreement
Southern Medical Association
Southern Sami
Speaker, Microphone, Antenna
Special Management Area
Special Management Areas
Special Management Attention
Special Measures Agreement
Special Mission Aircraft
Specially Managed Area
Specific memorandum of agreement
Specific Message Address
Specific methanogenic activity
Specific Military Agreement
Specification mark as-built
Spectrum Management Agency
Spectrum Management Application
Spectrum Manufacturers Association
Spherical Mirror Analyzer
Spinal muscle atrophy
Spinal muscular atrophies
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Spinal muscular atrophy gene
Spiral modiolar artery
Spontaneous mechanical activities
Spontaneous motor activity
Sport Medicine Australia
Spring Manufacturers Association
Squadron Maintenance Area
St. Mary's Academy
St. Michael Academy
St. Michael's Academy
Standard Maintenance Allowance
Standard method agar
Standard Methods Agar
Standardization Management Activities
Standardization Management Activity
State Meteorological Agency
State Methadone Authority
Statement on Management Accounting
Statistical Multiplexer Appreciation
Steel Manufacturers Association
Steel Merchants Association
Steric mass action
Stone Mastic Asphalt
Stone Matrix Asphalt
Stop Motion Animation
Strategic Marketing Associates
Strathclyde Manning Agreement
Stucco Manufacturers Association
Styrene maleic anhydride
Sub-Miniature A
Sub-Miniature Assembly
Subject Matter Assessment
Submillimeter Array
SubMiniature A connector
SubMiniature version A
Subnet Management Agent
Subscriber Module Access
Subscriber Module AccessNode
Subtropical Forecast/Advisory
Suckling mouse assay
Superior mesenteric arterial
Superior mesenteric arteries
Superior mesenteric artery
Supplemental Maintenance Appraisal
Supplementary motor
Supplementary motor area
Supplementary motor areas
Supplementary motor cortex
Supply Management Account
Supply Management, Army
Supply Material Availability
Supply Material Identification
Suprameatal approach
Surface Management Advisor
Surface Modeling and Analysis
Surface modifying additive
Surface modifying additives
Surface monitor aid
Surface Mount Adhesive
Surface Mount Assembly
Surface Mounted Assembly
Surface Mounting Applicator
Surface Movement Advisor
Surface Movement Advisory
Surplus Marketing Administration
Survey and Mapping Alliance
Susie Matthews Academy
Suspected mined area
Sustained mechanical alternans
Switch Memory Architecture
Symmetry Medical Inc
Symptomatic morphologic anomaly
System Maintenance Active
System Management Authority
System Message Alert
System Message Alerts
System Migration Assistant

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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