About The Abbreviation Or Acronym SFR

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SFR Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of SFR?
Salary factor report Salivary flow rate Santa Fe Rails School of Forest Resources Screen filtration resistance Screen-film radiography Semi-fire resistive Sender Freies Berlin SF FILTRES Sheridan Fire Rescue Shunt Field Rheostat Signal Frequency Receive Significant finding report Single Family Residence Single Family Residential Single Frame Ring Single Frequency Reuse Slide falciparum Rate Slow force response Sodium Fast Reactor Software functional requirements Southern Freignt Railroad Spatial Frequency Response Special Flight Route Special Forces Regiment Special Function Register Special Function Registers Special Fund Resources Spectral FEG Resequencing Spin Flip Raman Split Frame Rendering Star formation rate Star Formation Region Startup field report Statement of Functional Requirement Status of Forces Report Stenosis flow reserve Step Frequency Radar Stroke with full recovery Submission for Review Substitute for Return Sure Fire Runner Swiss Franc Swiss francs System Failure Rate System Functional Review Systems Functional Requirements Systolic flow reversal |
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