About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PPB

Bay Area Crosswords

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PPB Meaning
PPB Meaning

What's The Meaning Of PPB?

Pacific Patrol Boat
Page Position Backward
Part per billion
Part period balancing
Parts per billion
PCI-to-PCI Bridge
Peak performance bouyancy
Peak Performance Buoyancy
Permanent prostate brachytherapy
Personnel and Pension Bureau
Personnel Processing Branch
Pin-Point Bombardment
Planning, Programming, Budgeting
Plans, Program and Budget
Plans, program, budget
Plant Population Biology
Plasma protein binding
Plasmatic protein binding
Platelet-poor blood
Pleuropulmonary blastoma
Pneumococcal pneumonia and bacteremia
Polar Patrol Balloon
Polymorphic bands
Portland Police Bureau
Positive pressure breathing
Powder Particle Boundary
Power Plant Bulletin
Preprophase band
Pressure Positive Breathing
Prior Particle Boundary
Prior Powder Boundary
Professional Public Buyer
Program Performance Baseline
PROM Programmer Board
Provisioning Parts Breakdown
Push Pull Before
Pyrethrins Piperonyl Butoxide

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