About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PLV

Bay Area Crosswords

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PLV Meaning
PLV Meaning

What's The Meaning Of PLV?

Partial left ventriculectomy
Partial liquid ventilation
Partido Laboral Venezolano
Payload Launch Vehicle
Phase locking value
Phenylalanine, lysine and vasopressin
Pitch Line Velocity
Poliomyelitis live vaccine
Porcelain laminate veneer
Post-landing Vent
Posterior left ventricle
Posterior Likelihood Vector
Postlanding Valve
Postlanding Ventilation
Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis
Presentation Level Video
Presentation-Level Video
Pressure Limiting Valve
Production Level Video
Production-Level Video
Puma lentivirus

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

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