About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PL

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PL Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of PL?
A Pink
Aeroperú Airstars Light perception Packaging Level Packet Loss PAD Length Padding Length Paducah and Louisville Railway Paducah and Louisville Railway Incorporation Paenibacillus larvae Paeonia lactiflora Pajarito Laboratory Palisade Layer Palmaris longus Pancreatic lipase Panel left Panicle length Panoramic Lens Paper Laminate Parallel Parallel Load Parameter length Parasitic larvocysts Parietal Lobe Parity Low Pars lateralis Partial laryngectomy Partial Loss Partial losses Partial lower Parting Line Parts List Party Line Passivation Layer Patent Law Path length Path Loss Pathet Lao Pathetic Loser PATMOS LIBRARY Patrol Leader PATTERSON LIBRARY Payload PEABODY LIBRARY Peak latency Peak Level Peak Load Pearl Language Pectate lyase Pectin lyase Pediatric level Penal Law Penalized likelihood PENINSULA LIBRARY Pentalenolactone Pentane Lamp PEOPLES LIBRARY Perception of light Performance Level Perilymph Perimeter low Periodontal ligament Peripheral lymphocytes Peritoneal lavage Peritoneal leukocytes Periventricular leukomalacia Perivitelline layer Perl Language Permanent Line Peroneus longus Persistent lymphocytosis Personal Leave Personal Liabilities Personal Liability Personal Lines PERU LIBRARY Petty Larceny Phagolysosome Phalloidin Phantom limb Phantom Line Phase line Phase Lines Phellinus linteus Phillips Laboratory PHOENICIA LIBRARY Phonological Loop Phosphatidylinositol Phospholamban Phospholipase Phospholipases Phospholipid Phospholipids Photo Litography Photo Luminescence Photographic Lamp Photoluminescence Physical Layer Physical Limnology Physical Line Physical Link Physicial Limnologist Physics Laboratory Piece of legislation Pig latin Pigment Layer PIKE LIBRARY Pilocarpine Pinkliner Pinned Layer Piobert-Lüders Piping load Piping Loads Pitch line Pityriasis lichenoides Place Placebo Placenta Placental lactogen Placental lactogens Plain Plan Planning Planning Letter Plans Plant Plantar Plantaris Plantaris muscle Plaque Plaque index Plasma Plasma levels Plasmalemma Plasmanate Plasmatocytes Plasmin Plasminogen Plaster Plastic Plastic laminate Plastic Limit Plastic surgery Plastic viscosity Plasticity Limit Plasticizer Plate Platelet Platelet count Platelet lactogen Platelet lysate Platelets Platoon Platoon leader Playlist Plesetsk Plethysmography Pleural lavage Plug Plumb Line Plural Plus Plus Sign Pneumatic lithotripsy POESTENKILL LIBRARY Poland Polar Polar lipid Polar lipids Polarized light PolishLeech Politechnika Lodzka Poly Poly-l-lysine Poly-N-acetyllactosamine Polylysine Polymer Laboratories Polymer Laboratory Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Polymyxin B Polypodium leucotomos Polypropylene Polysaccharide Polysaccharide lyase POMEROY LIBRARY Pool PORT LIBRARY Port Louis Port of London Position Line Position Location Positive Logic Post-landing Posterior laryngitis Posterior leaflet Posterior lobe Posterolateral Postlanding Postlarvae Postlesion Pot Limit Pot Limit Poker Pot-Limit Potassium lactate Poultry litter Power and lighting Power Law Power Level Power Leveling Power lifters Power line Power Loading Precedence Level Prednisolone Preferential looking Preferential looking test Preferred Language Pregnancy loss Pregnancy-lactation code Prelaunch Preleukemia Preleukemic Prelimbic Prelimbic area Prelimbic cortex Preliminary Language Preload Presentation Layer Pressurizer Level Preterm labor Price List Primary Liaison Primary Link Primary-like Principal Lecturer Print length Private Line Proble Line Problem List Procedural language Procedural learning Product Library Product License Product Line Product loadout Production Language Production Level Production Licence Productive life Professional liability Professional Librarian Profit and Loss Profit/Loss Profit/Loss Statement Program Language Program leader Program Library Program Loader Program Lock Program Logic PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC Programming language Programming Logics Project Leader Prolactin Prolymphocytes Prolymphocytic leukemia Promise to Lease Propellant Loading Property line Property loss Property losses Proportional limit Proposed Legislation Propranolol Proprietary Link Protamine-like Protective Layer PROTECTIVE LIFE CORP. Protective Life Corporation Proteolipid Proteolipids Proteoliposomes Provisioning List Proximity Log Public lands Public Law Public Liability Public Librarian Public Library Pulsed Laser Pulvinar Punch line Punch List Purkinje layer Purple Pyloric length Pyridoxal |
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