About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PBL
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PBL Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of PBL?
Parabrachial nucleus Parachute-Braked Landing PARMLY BILLINGS LIBRARY Patrol Boat, Light Payload Bay Liner Pebble Performance Based Logistics Performance-Based Logistics Peripheral blood Peripheral blood B-lymphocytes Peripheral blood cells Peripheral blood leucocyte Peripheral blood leucocytes Peripheral blood leukocyte Peripheral blood leukocytes Peripheral blood lymphocyte Peripheral blood lymphocytes Peripheral blood lymphoid cells Peripheral blood mononuclear cells Peripheral blood mononuclear leucocytes Peripheral blood mononuclear leukocyte Peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes Peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes Peripheral blood T lymphocytes Phi Beta Lambda Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad Company Photo butt line Physical Buffer List Planet boundary layer Planetary boundary layer Plasmablastic lymphoma PLUM BOROUGH LIBRARY Poly-buffered LOCOS PORT BYRON LIBRARY Portal branch ligation Portal vein branch ligation Positive Beam Limiting Power Business Line Practice-Based Learning Praktisch Kadergerichte Leerweg Preamble Primary bone lymphoma Primary brain lymphoma Primary breast lymphoma Private Business Line Probing bone level Problem Based Learning Problem-based Problem-based learning Product Base Line Product BaseLine Protection ballistic limit Public Broadcast Laboratory |
More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter
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