About The Abbreviation Or Acronym NB

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NB Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of NB?
Nail bed Nanobacteria Nanobarn Naphthol Blue Naphthyl Butyrate Narrow Band Narrow Beam Narrow Body Narrowband Narrowboat Nasal bone National Battlefield National Board National Body National Brand Natural Burst Naval Base Navigation Base Needle Bearing Needle biopsy Negative binomial Negri Bossi Neighboring Neonatal blood Neostigmine bromide Nephroblastoma Nephroblastomatosis Nernst Body Nerve Bundle Net balance Net protein balance Network Buffer Neural Beamforming Neuro Behçet Neuro-Behcet Neurobiotin Neuroblast Neuroblastoma Neuroblastoma cells Neuroblastomas Neuroborreliosis Neurogenic bladder Neuromedin B Neurometric battery Neutral Beam Neutral buoyancy Neutrally Buoyant Neutron Beam Neutron Bomb Neutron Booster New Ballard New Band New Brunswick Newbie Newborn Newborns Nice Bet Nile blue Nile blue A Niobium Nippostrongylus brasiliensis Nissl Body Nitrobenzene Nitrogen Balance Nitrogen base Nitrosobenzene No badge No-Bake No-Bias Noble Noisy Bus Nominal bore Non-battle Non-Blocking Non-directional Beacon Non-metabolizable base Nonbursting Nopol Benzyl Norbits Normal base Normal Benefit Normal breast Normal breathing Normal Burst Normal Bursts Normalized blur Normalized blur value North Borneo North Britain Northampton and Bath Northampton and Bath Railroad Northbound Northern Beaches Northern blot Northhampton and Bath railway Nosocomial bacteremia Not bad Nota Bene Notch Brittleness Notified Body Novobiocin Nuclear binding Nuclear Biological Nuclear bodies Nuclear body Nuclear boiler Nucleate Boiling Nucleotide-binding Nucleus basalis Numb Number born Nursing Building Nutrient broth Please note Sterling Airlines |
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