About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MSV

Bay Area Crosswords

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MSV Meaning
MSV Meaning

What's The Meaning Of MSV?

IATA code for Sullivan County International Airport, Monticello, New York, United States
Main storage vault
Maize streak virus
Major Software Vendor
Mass Storage Volume
Master seed virus
Master Supervisory Equipment
Mauriceau smellie veit maneuver
Maxillary sinus volume
Maximal systolic velocity
Maximum Safe Velocity
Mean scale value
Mean spatial velocity
Mean Square Velocity
Mean square voltage
Mechanisms of Solar Variability
Medical Society of Virginia
Meidericher Spielverein
Milli Sievert
Mine Sweeping Vessel
Mississippi and Skuna Valley Railroad
Mississippi and Skuna Valley Railroad Company
Mobile Satellite Ventures
Model and Scenario Visualization
Moloney Sarcoma Virus
Monitored Sine Vibration
Monkey sarcoma virus
Months of Service
Motor support vessel
Mouse Sacroma Virus
Mouse sarcoma virus
Muir Springs virus
Multifunction Support Vessel
Multiple Speed Variant
Murine sarcoma virus
Murine sarcoma viruses

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

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