About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MFR

Bay Area Crosswords

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MFR Meaning
MFR Meaning

What's The Meaning Of MFR?

IATA code for Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport, Medford, Oregon, United States
Macrophage fusion receptor
Magnetic fusion reactor
Mali Franc
Manipulator Foot Restraint
Manipulator Foot Restrait
Mannose-fucose receptor
Mannosyl/fucosyl receptor
Margate Fire Rescue
Mass Flow Rate
Massport Fire Rescue
Master Facility Register
Master of Forest Resources
Material Failure Report
Maximum Flight Rate
Maximum flow rate
Maximum flow rate of urine
McKenzie Fire & Rescue
Mean filling rate
Mean firing rate
Mean flow rate
Mean Fuel Rating
Medical First Respond
Medical First Responder
Medical First Responders
Medium fluorescence ratio
Melamine Formaldehyde Resin
Melt Flow Rate
Melt flow ratio
Memorandum for Record
Memorandum for the Record
MF Receiver
Midline Air Freight
Milton Fire & Rescue
Mirror Fusion Reactor
Mission Fired Report
Mitogenic fibrinogen receptor
Mobile Foot Restraint
Modified Frank-Read
Money Follows Researcher
Monthly fecundity rate
Mucus flow rate
Multi Function Rotary
Multi-Filter Radiometer
Multi-Frequency Receivers
Multi-Function Radar
Multi-Functional Radar
Multifunction radar
Multilink Frame Relay
Multiple Frequency Repeater
Muscle force replication
Mutation frequency response
Mutual Force Reduction
Myocardial flow reserve

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