About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LF

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LF Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of LF?
Labile factor Laboratory Floor Laboratory Furnace Labyrinthine fistula Lactobacillus fermentum Lactoferrin Lactose-free Lactotransferrin Ladle Furnace Lady Friend Lagrangian Function Lamé Function Lamellar Field Laminar flow Lamp Fault Land Force Land Forces Landé Factor Landing Flap Landing Force Lang-Firsov Langevin Function Langmuir Frequency Lanthanum Ferrite Laparoscopic fundoplication Large File Large follicles Large format Largest Frame Larmor Frequency Las Flores Laser fluorescence Laser fulguration Lassa fever Latched Failed Late Finish LATE FLOWERING Late follicular Late-feathering Lateral flexion Lateral Flow Lateral funiculus Latest finish Latex fixation Lattice Fringe Launch Facilities Launch facility Launch forward Lavage fluid Lawn faucet Lead facilitator Leading Front LEAPFROG ENTERPRISES INC Lebanese Forces Leflunomide Left foot Left Fore Left forearm Left forelimb Left forward Left Front Legendre Function Less flat Let's Fuck Lethal factor Leukinferon Leukotactic factor Leveling Foot Li-Fraumeni Liapunov's Function Life Finder Life Flight Life float Lifetime Fitness Ligamentum flavum Ligand field Light Filter LIGHT FINE Light flashes Light Flint Light framing Light-Fast Limit of Flocculation Limiting Fragmentation Limousine Foundation Line feed Line Filter Line Finder Line Focus Line Frequency Line of Force Lineal Feet Lineal Foot Linear feet Linear File Linear Foot Linear fracture Linear Function Lineshape fitting Linoleum Floor Lipofectin Lipofuscin Liquid Film Liquid Fluorine List File Listy filologicke Lithium Ferrite Litterfall Live fire Liver failure Liver function Load factor Load force LOAF Local failure Logic Function Logical Facility Logical File Login Facility Long frequency Long-term fluctuation Longitudinal Fiber Looking for Loop Filter Loss Factor Loss-of-function Low fat Low Fatigue Low fiber Low Field Low flap Low Float Low flow Low fluoride Low folate Low forceps Low frequencies Low Frequency Low frequency band Low frequency peak Low frequency power Low Friction Low-fat diet Low-fat, high-carbohydrate Low-flux Low-frequency component Lower Fuselage Lumen fluid Luminosity function Lung fibroblasts Lung fibrosis Lung function Lymph flow Lymphatic filariasis Lymphoid follicle Lymphoid follicles |
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