About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LEM

Learn about the LEM abbreviation & acronym meaning to help solve your crossword puzzle at the free Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary from Bay Area Crosswords.

LEM Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of LEM?
IATA code for Lemmon Municipal Airport, Lemmon, South Dakota, United States Laboratory Environment Model Land Engagement Model Landform Elevation Model Language Extension Module Laser Exhaust Measurement Lateral eye movement Lateral eye movements Launch Escape Monitor Launch Escape Motor Law Enforcement Manual Leibovitz-Emory medium Lemakalim Leman Lemon Lempira Lentinus edodes mycelia Leukocyte endogenous mediator Leukocytic endogenous mediator Life Extending Mode Light electron microscope Light Emission Microscopy Light Equipment Maintenance Limit of error of material Line Editing Mode Linear Electric Machine Linear extrapolation method Link Error Monitor Local effect model Local Estimating Manager Local Experienced Men Location Efficient Mortgage Logical End of Media Logical End of Medium Logical Enhanced Memory Logistic Element Manager Logistics Element Manager Logistics Element Managers Lorentz Electron Microscopy Low-electrolyte meal Lunar Escape Module Lunar Excursion Module Lunar Excursion Module's Lunar Exploration Module Lunar Exploratory Module Lutheran Episcopal Ministry Lycopersicon esculentum |
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