JS Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary

Bay Area Crosswords

If you're looking for J JS abbreviations & acronyms to solve your crossword puzzle - here you can find the correct ones starting with the letter J. Explore and research thousands of J abbreviations or acronyms to help you quickly solve all your crossword puzzles.

JS Abbreviations & Acronyms
JS Sections - Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

Abbreviations & Acronyms Of The Day

  • LAYCAN ‐ Laycan
  • ASD/ISOL ‐ Aeronautical Systems Division/Information Systems and Technology Center…
  • EBHRD ‐ European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
  • BDRY ‐ Boundary
  • ASAS-WL ‐ All Source Analysis System-Warlord
  • SAAE ‐ Software Architecture Attribute Engineering, South African Academy of Engineering…
  • USAISMA ‐ United States Army Information Systems Management Activity…
  • LTTES ‐ Live Training Tactical Engagement Simulation
  • EAJR ‐ Electronic American Journal of Roentgenology
  • JEV ‐ Japanese encephalitis virus, JE virus, Jesuit European Volunteers…
Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary