About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IFT

Bay Area Crosswords

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IFT Meaning
IFT Meaning

What's The Meaning Of IFT?

Illinois Federation of Teachers
Immunofluorescence technique
Immunofluorescence test
Immunofluorescence tests
Immunofluorescent technique
Immunofluorescent test
Implantable force transducer
In-Flight Test
In-Flight Training
Incoming File Transfer
Indiana Federation of Teachers
Indirect fluorescent antibody test
Indirect Fourier Transform
Initial Flight Training
Ink Film Thickness
Instantaneous Fourier Transform
Institut für Troposphärenforschung
Institute of Family Therapy
Institute of Food Technologists
Instrument Flight Trainer
Integrated Flight Team
Integrated Flight Test
Integrated Flight Tests
Intellectual Function Training
Intelligent Fastening Technology
Interbank File Transfer
Interbank Fund Transfer
Interface Tool
Interfacial tension
Interferential therapy
Intermediate Frequency Transformer
International Federation of Translators
International Foundation for Telemetering
Intraflagellar transport
Introductory Flight Training
Invasive fibrous thyroiditis
Inverse fast Fourier Transform
Inverse Fourier Transform
Isolated forearm technique

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

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