About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HMS

Bay Area Crosswords

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HMS Meaning
HMS Meaning

What's The Meaning Of HMS?

Hagerman Municipal Schools
Haim munk syndrome
Hairless mouse skin
Hale Middle School
Hall Middle School
Hamburg Middle School
Hamilton Middle School
Hanford medical scheduling
Hanford Meteorological Station
Hanford Meteorological System
Hanford Meteorology Survey
Hanford meteorology surveys
Hanging my self
Hanshaw Middle School
Hapten-modified self
Harbor Management and Security
Harden Middle School
Hardware Maintenance and Service
Hardware Maintenance System
Hargitt Middle School
Harmonic Mode Scrambling
HARPOON Missile System
Harris Middle School
Hart Middle School
Harte Middle School
Harvard Medical School
Harvest Middle School
Haskell Middle School
Havenscourt Middle School
Hawthorne Middle School
Hazard Mapping System
Hazard Mitigation Strategy
Hazard Monitor System
Hazardous materials storage
Hazardous Materials Summary
Hazardous Materials System
Headend Management System
Health Maintenance System
Health Management System
Health Monitoring System
Hearing Measurement Scale
Heat Manage System
Heavy Materiel Supply
Heavy Melting Scrap
Heavy Metal Scraps
Heavy metals
Height management system
Helmet Mounted Sight
Helmet Mounted Sights
Helmet Mounted Systems
Helms Middle School
Hemimasticatory spasm
Hemin storage
Hemophilia Malignancy Study
Hemus Air
Henderson Middle School
Henry Middle School
Henz Meteorological Services
Her Majesties Service
Her Majesty Ship
Her Majesty's Service
Her Majesty's Ship
Hercules Middle School
Hewes Middle School
Hexose monophosphate shunt
Hickman Middle School
Hierarchical Master-Slave
High Momentum Spectrometer
High Mowing School
High-manganese silicide
High-performance Management System
Highly Migratory Species
Highway Mobile Source
Hill Middle School
Hillcrest Middle School
Hills Montessori School
Hillsdale Middle School
Hillside Middle School
Hilltop Middle School
Hillview Middle School
Hilmar Middle School
His Majesties Service
His Majesty's Ship
His/Her majesty's Service
His/Her Majesty's Ship
His/Her Majesty's Ship/Submarine
Historical Metallurgy Society
History Memory System
HMS Defiance
Hobbs Municipal Schools
Holland Middle School
Hollenbeck Middle School
Hollencrest Middle School
Holmes Middle School
Home made smiley
Home Manager Scheme
Home Media Server
Hoover Middle School
Horace Mann School
Horizons Manufacturing Suite
Hosler Middle School
Hospitality Management System
Hospitality Messaging Server
Host Mediation Services
Hotel Management System
Household Multipurpose Survey
Housekeeping Monitoring System
Howard Medical Science
Howard Middle School
Hughes Middle School
Hull Middle School
Human Modeling and Simulation
Human Safety Mandatory Modification
HUMINT Management System
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Huntington Middle School
Huron Middle School
Hutchinson Middle School
Hutto Middle School
Hybrid male sterility
Hybrid Management Sub-layer
Hydatidiform moles
Hyde Middle School
Hydrocarbon Monitoring System
Hydrogen Mitigation System
Hydrogen mixing studies
Hydrological and Meteorological Station
Hydrometeorological Service of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Hypermobility syndrome
Hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly
Hyperreactive malarious splenomegaly
Hypoglossal motoneurons

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

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