About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HAS

Bay Area Crosswords

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HAS Meaning
HAS Meaning

What's The Meaning Of HAS?

HA synthase
Hale Area Schools
Haloacetic acids
Hamilton Anxiety Scale
Hanford Analytical Services
Hardened Aircraft Shelter
Hardened Aircraft Shelters
Hardware Authentication Server
HARM As Sensor
Hasbro, Inc.
Hassberge in Hassfurt, Bayern
Hatch Access Structure
Hawick Archeological Society
Heading Altitude System
Heading and Attitude Sensor
Heading and Attitude System
Headteachers Association of Scotland
Health Administration Services
Health Advisory Service
Health authorities
Health-assessment system
Hearing aids
Height above the surface
Helicopter Avionics System
Helium Atom Scattering
Helsinki Ageing Study
Hepatic adenomas
Hepatic angiosarcoma
Hepatic artery stenosis
Heterocyclic amines
Heterocyclic aromatic amines
Hibiscus anthocyanins
High Accuracy Service
High alcohol sensitive
High alcohol sensitivity
High Availability Subsystem
High Speed Access
High-Alloy Steel
High-Altitude Sensor
High-amplitude sucking
High-amylose cornstarch
High-Angle Scattering
Highest asymptomatic
Highest Average Salary
Hillside Akathisia Scale
Hirulog Angioplasty Study
Hispanic Americans
History and Aetiology Schedule
History of Anaesthesia Society
Holddown Alignment Support
Holton-Arms School
Home Agents
Home Automation System
Homeland Security Act
Honduras Airlines
Hospital Accreditation Standards
Hospital administrative service
Hospital advisory service
Hospital Albert Schweitzer
Hospital Annual Survey
Hotel Association of Canada
Hover Augmentation System
Hudson Area Schools
Human albumin solution
Human serum albumin
Humic Acids
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Hyaluronan synthase
Hyaluronan synthases
Hybrid Access System
Hybrid adaptive spline
Hydraulic actuation system
Hydrogen Actuation System
Hydrophobic agents
Hydropic abortions
Hydroxylamine Acid Sulfate
Hypothalamo-adenohypophysial system

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary