About The Abbreviation Or Acronym EMR

Bay Area Crosswords

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EMR Meaning
EMR Meaning

What's The Meaning Of EMR?

Eastern Maine railway
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Eastern Missile Range
Eddy-Making Resistance
Edge Media Router
Educable Mentally Retarded
Educably mentally retarded
Electro Magnetic Radiation
Electro Magnetic Recorder
Electro Mechanical Relay
Electro Mechanical Research
Electro-magnetic radiation
Electrolytic Metal Recovery
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic Rail-gun
Electromagnetic Reconnaissance
ElectroMechanical Relay
Electron magnetic resonance
Electronic mail registration
Electronic Medical Record
Electronic medical record system
Electronic Medical Records
Electronic meeting room
Electronic Module Retard
Electronic-combat Multi-function Radar
Electronically mediated reaction
Electronics Manpower Register
Emergency Maintenance Request
Emergency Management and Response
Emergency mechanical restraint
Emergency Medical Responder
Emergency Medical Response
Emergency medicine resident
Emergency room
Emerson Electric Company
Emission Maintenance Reminder
Endoscopic mucosa resection
Endoscopic mucosal resection
Energy, Mines and Resources
Engine Maintenance Reminder
Engine Maintenance Repair
Engine Mixture Ratio
Enhanced Metafile Record
Enhanced Monitor Request
Enlisted Master Record
Enter move request
Enterprise Management Reporting
Entrance Medical Record
Environmental Management Report
Environmental Management Representative
Equipment Maintenance Record
Erythromycin resistance
Essential metabolism ratio
Eugene Mountain Rescue
European Midcourse Radar
Evoked motor responses
Exchange Message Record
Execution Management Replanner
Execution Management Replanning
Executive Management Reports
Executive Management Review
Experience Modification Rate
Explosive Mishap Reporting
Explosive Mishaps Report
External Management Review
Extraordinary Magnetoresistance
Eye movement record
Zenmour Airlines

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary