About The Abbreviation Or Acronym EFS

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EFS Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of EFS?
E-mail Forwarding Server
Earliest finishing shift Education Formula Spending EFAOS- Agencia De Viagens e Turismo Ejection fractions Elastic fibers Elbow flexors Elec. field stimulation Electric field stimulation Electric fields Electric-Furnace Steel Electrical field simulation Electrical field stimulation Electrical field stimulations Electrical field-stimulated Electronic Filing System Electronic Filing Systems Electronic Firing Switch Electronic Focus - Short Back Focus Electronic Form System Electronic Frequency Selection Elevator Feel Shift Elongation factors Embryonic fibroblasts Emergency feedwater system Emerson Financial Services Empire Flying School Employee-Facing Suite Empty follicle syndrome Enantiomer fractions Enantiomeric fractions Encrypted File System Encrypting File System Encryption File System ENCRYPTION FIREWALL SERVER Encypted File System End Frame Sequence End of Frame Sequence End-of-Frame Sequence Energy Facilities Siting ENHANCE FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC. Enhanced Filing System Enhanced Flight Screening Enhanced Full-rate Service Enhancement factors Enrichment factors Ensemble Forecast System Environmental Field Services Environmental Flows Error Free Second Error Free Seconds Error Free Signal Error-Free Seconds Esophageal function studies Estimated Financial Statement European Federation of Sexology European Fraxiparin Study Event fact sheet Event free survival Event-free survival Event-free survival rate Event-free survivals Exchange for Futures for Swaps Exchange Futures for Swaps Exchange of Futures for Swaps Executive functions Expeditionary Fighter Squadron Explosives Fitting Shop Export Facilitation Scheme Export Finance Scheme Extended Facility Set Extended File Server External File Service External File System Extremely favorable survival |
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