About The Abbreviation Or Acronym EFP

Bay Area Crosswords

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EFP Meaning
EFP Meaning

What's The Meaning Of EFP?

Early follicular phase
Effective filtration pressure
Effective fragment potential
Efficient Framing Procedure
Electric Field Potential
Electronic field production
Electronic Film Production
Elongation factor P
Emergency Flood Plan
Emission Flame Photometry
Endoneural fluid pressure
Endoneurial fluid pressure
England First Party
Enhanced Factory Programming
Enhanced Flux Pinning
Entrepreneur Friendly Program
Envelope fusion protein
Environmental Farm Plan
Environmental Farm Planning
Environmental Finance Program
Epileptic field potentials
Epileptiform field potentials
Equipment funded project
ESA Furnished Property
Escaped Federal Prisoner
Estrogen-responsive finger protein
Etoposide, fluorouracil, platinol
European Federation of Parasitologists
European Federation of Periodontology
European Federation of Purchasing
European Film Promotion
European Forearm Phantom
Eviscerated Fish Protein
Excellence Facilities Plan
Exchange for Physicals
Exchange of Futures for Physical
Exchange of Futures for Physicals
Exempted Fishing Permit
Expanded Function Panel
Expeditionary Forces Program
Expendable Funds Pool
Explosively Forged Penetrator
Explosively formed penetrator
Explosively Formed Penetrators
Explosively formed projectile
Explosively formed projectiles
Explosively-Formed Penetrator
Explosively-Formed Projectile
Exponential Floating Point
Extruded Fantasy Product

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary