About The Abbreviation Or Acronym EDF

Bay Area Crosswords

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EDF Meaning
EDF Meaning

What's The Meaning Of EDF?

Earliest Deadline First
Edge response function
EF Defined Function
Effective Damage Function
Effective Direct Fire
Electric Discharge Forming
Electric Drive Fan
Electricité de France
Electricit‚ de France
Electricite de France
Electron distribution function
Electronic Data File
Electronic Design Fixture
Electronic Development Fixture
Electrophoresis Duplicating Film
Elongatable Dow Fiber
Emergency Decontamination Facility
Emerging Markets IncomeFund II, Inc.
Empirical distribution function
Endogenous digitalis-like factor
Endothelial differentiation-related factor
Energy Density Fluctuation
Energy density functional
Energy Distribution Function
Engineering Data File
Engineering Data Form
Engineering Data Formatter
Engineering Data Function
Engineering design file
Engineering Design Fixture
Engineering Development Facility
Engineering Development Fixture
Environmental Defence Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.
Eosinophil Differentiating Factor
Eosinophil differentiation factor
Equilibrium deposition filtration
Equipment Data File
Erbium-Doped Fiber
Erythroid differentiation factor
European Data Format
European Defense Force
European Development Fund
European Disability Forum
European Dystonia Federation
Execution Diagnostic Facility
Executive dysfunction
Expandable Diameter Fastener
Experiment Data Frame
Exploratory Development Facility
Extended Depth of Field
Extended DNA fibres
IATA code for Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska, United States

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary