About The Abbreviation Or Acronym DG
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DG Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of DG?
Dactylis glomerata
Dangerous Goods Dark Green Data gathering Data General Data General, Inc. Data Generator Data Group Datagram Davisson-Germer Day of gestation Days gestation Days of gestation Deal-Grove Decigram Defence Guidance Defense Guidance Deglycosylated Degree of grafting Dei Gratia Delay Generator Democracy and Governance Dense granule Densely granulated Density gradient Density of gas Dentate granule Dentate gyms Dentate gyrus Deoxyglucose Deoxyguanosine Department of Geology Depression Glass Design guide Desmoglein Desogestrel Desquamative gingivitis Desulfovibrio gigas Detonation Gun Device Groups Di Giorgio Diabetic group Diacyglycerol Diacylglycerol Diacylglycerols Dial Gauge Diamond Glaze Diastolic gallop Dichloran glycerol Diego Garcia Diesel Generator Differential Gain Differential Gear DIFFERENTIAL GENERATOR Differential Geometry Diffraction Grating Digastric DiGeorge Digestive gland Digital Gazetteer Diglyceride Diglycerides Digoxin DIODE GATE Diosgenin Diphase Gel Diradylglycerol Directed Grain Directional Gyro Director General Directorate General Directorate-General Dispersible Granular Display Generation Display Generator Display Group Dissolved Gas Distal gastrectomy Distance geometry Distinguished Graduate Distributed Generation District Governor Dollar General DOLLAR GENERAL CORP. Dollar General Corporation Done Graduated Dorsal gastric Double Gaussian Double Girder Double glazing DOUBLE GROOVE Double-Glass Drafting Group Drill Gauge Driver Gas Dry Gas Dry Goods Dry ground corn Dutch Guiana Dydrogesterone Dystroglycan South East Asian Airlines |
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