About The Abbreviation Or Acronym DBC

Bay Area Crosswords

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DBC Meaning
DBC Meaning

What's The Meaning Of DBC?

Data Base Correlation
Data Bridging Capacity
Data Broadcasting Corporation
Data Buffer Coupler
Data Bus Control
Data Bus Coupler
Data-Base Connection
Data-Base Control
Database Buffer Cache
DataBase Creator
DB relative to the carrier power
Decibel below carrier
Decibel Referenced to the Carrier
DeciBell below Carrier
Decibels below Carrier
Decibels relative to unmodulated carrier power level
Decimal-to-Binary Conversion
Default Bearer Capability
Deformation Banding Constraint
Denied Boarding Compensation
Dense Barium Crown
Dense Binary Code
Department of Biological Chemistry
Depolarizing bipolar cells
Deputy Branch Chief
Deputy brigade commander
Design Baseline Criteria
Design By Contract
Development Brigade Corporation
Developmental Behavior Checklist
Developmental Behaviour Checklist
Device Bay Controller
Diameter Bolt Circle
Diameter Bolt Cycle
Dibutyryl cAMP
Dibutyryl cyclic
Dibutyryl cyclic AMP
Digital Battlefield Communications
Digital Business Center
Digital-to-Binary Conversion
Digital-to-Binary Converter
Diode Box Controller
Distal balloon catheter
Dollar Bearer Certificate
Drexel Brook Company
Dummy Bearer Control
Dye-binding capacity
Dynamic Beam Control
Dynamic binding capacity
Dynamic-Breaking Contactor
Dynamische Bremsen Control
Dysprosium Barium Cuprate

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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