About The Abbreviation Or Acronym DBA

Bay Area Crosswords

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DBA Meaning
DBA Meaning

What's The Meaning Of DBA?

A-weighted Decibels
Adjusted Decibel
Air Alpha
Associazione per la Documentazione, le Biblioteche e gli Archivi
Dahlgren Bridge Assembly
Data Bank Access
Data Base Administrator
Data Base Agent
Database Administration
Database Administrator
Date Book Archive
Daytime Broadcasters Association
DB adjusted
DBa measured with FIA-line weighting
DBa measured with HAI-receiver weighting
DeciBel Adjusted
Decibel Audio
Decibels A-weighted
Decibels adjusted
Decibels on A-weighted scale
Dentin bonding agent
Dentin bonding agents
Dentine bonding agent
Design Based Analysis
Design basis accident
Design Basis Accidents
Design Business Association
Design-Basis Accident
Design-basis analysis
Detonation Booster Assembly
Deutsche BA
Diamond Blackfan Anaemia
Diamond blackfan anemia
Diamond-Blackfan anemia
Dibromoacetic acid
Digital Broadcasting Australia
Digital Business Architecture
Diode Box Assembly
Direct Broadcast Address
Direct Budget Authority
Disc Brakes Australia
Discipline Budget Analyst
Doctor of Business Administration
Doing Business As
Dolichos biflorus agglutinin
Dolichus biflorus agglutinin
Dominant Battlefield Awareness
Dominant Battlespace Awareness
Dot blot assay
Downtown Boise Association
Drei Buchstaben Akronym
Dynamic Bandwidth Adjustment
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
Dynamic Bandwith Assignment

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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