About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CID

Bay Area Crosswords

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CID Meaning
CID Meaning

What's The Meaning Of CID?

Asia Continental Airlines
Cable Interconnect Diagram
Call Instance Data
Caller ID
Caller Identification
Caller Identifier
Caller Identity Delivery
Calling Identity Delivery
Cam Input Device
Capabilities Integration Division
Card Identification Number
Careers Information Database
Carpal instability, dissociative
Case Initiation Date
Category interaction diagram
Cayman Islands Dollar
Center for Infectious Diseases
Center for Information and Documentation
Center for Information Dominance
Central Installation Directory
Central Institute for the Deaf
Central Investigation Division
Centre d'Imagerie Diagnostique
Centre for Information and Documentation
Certification Index Document
Cervical immobilization device
Change In Design
Channel Identification
Channel Identificator
Channel Identifier
Character Identification
Character Identifier
Charge Imaging Device
Charge Injection Device
Charge-injected device
Charge-injection device
Chemical inducer of dimerization
Chemical Inorganic Deposition
Chemically induced dimerization
Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea
Chick infective dose
Chimpanzee infectious doses
Choice In Dying
Circuit Designator
Circuit Interrupt Device
Circuit Isolation Device
Circular Intensity Difference
Cisco Internetwork Design
Citizen Identification Card
Civil Investigative Demand
Client Identifier
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Clinically important difference
Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Collision Induced Dissociation
Collision-induced decomposition
Collision-Induced Desorption
Collision-induced dissociation
Collisional-induced dissociation
Collisionally induced dissociation
Combat Identification
Combat Identification Device
Combat Intelligence Database
Combat Intelligence Division
Combined immune deficiency
Combined immunodeficiencies
Combined immunodeficiency
Combined immunodeficiency disease
Combined immunological deficiency
Command Information Division
Commander's Independent Display
Commander's Integrated Display
Commander's Intelligent Display
Commanders Integrated Display
Commerce and Industry Department
Commercial Item Description
Commercial Item Descriptions
Committee for Instructional Development
Common Intelligence Database
Communication Identification
Communication Identifier
Communications ID
Component Identification
Component Identification Document
Comprehensive institutional development
Comprehensive Interior Design
Comprehensive Interior Desin
Computer Integrated Design
Computer Interface Device
Confederation of Institute Directors
Conference Identifier
Configurable Interface Device
Configuration - Installation - Distribution
Configuration Identification
Configuration Index Document
Configuration Installation Distribution
Configuration, Installation and Distribution
Configuration, Installation, Distribution
Confirmation ID
Connection ID
Connection Identification
Consecutive Identical Digits
Consider It Done
Content Identifier
Context IDentity
Controlled Impact Dynamics
Controller Interface Device
Cooperate Industrial Design
Core internal deletion
Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary
Council of Industrial Design
Craft Interface Device
Criminal Intelligence Division
Criminal Investigation Command
Criminal Investigation Department
Criminal Investigation Division
Criminal Investigations Division
Criminal Investigative Division
Critical Item Development
Crying In Disgrace
Cryptologic Interface Device
Crystal-inducing diet
Cubic inch displacement
Cubitus interruptus Dominant
Current-Image Diffraction
Customer ID
Customer Identifier
Customer Identity
Customer Information Development
Customer Initiation Document
Customer Installations Department
Customer Interactive Dialing
Cylinder Identification
Cytidine induction defective
Cytomegalic inclusion disease
IATA code for The Eastern Iowa Airport, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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