About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CAT
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CAT Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of CAT?
Ca transient
Ca2+ transient Cable Avoiding Tool Calcium Aluminum Tantalate Calculated k Calibrated automated thrombogram California Achievement Test California Achievement Tests California Automotive Teachers Call Accounting Terminal Cambridge Antibody Technology Campus Advisory Team Canadian Achievement Test Canadian Army Trophy Cancer after transplantation Capacity-Activated Transducer Capillary agglutination test Capillary tube agglutination test Capital Acquisitions Tax Capsule Ariane Technologies Carboxyatractylate Carboxyatractyloside Carburetor Air Temperature Card Acceptance Terminals Card agglutination test Card Application Toolkit Cardiomyopathy trial Care support terminal Career and Transition Pilot Carnitine acetyltransferase Carnitine acyltransferase Cassette alignment tool Casualty assessment table Catalan Catalase Catalase activity Catalase gene Catalepsy Catalog Catalog File Cataloging Catalysis Catalyst Catalytic Catalytic domain Catalytic efficiency k Catamarca Catapult Cataract Catastrophe Catastrophe Bond Catastrophic Crop Insurance Catechin Catechol Catecholamine Catecholamines Categories Categories approach Categorization Category Category Test Caterpillar Caterpillar, Inc. Cathepsin Cathepsins Cationic Cationic amino acid transporter Cationic amino acid transporters CECOM Accreditation Team Cefetamet pivoxil Cefoperazone amphotericin teicoplanin Celestial Atomic Trajectile Cellular Action Team Cellular Authentication Token Center for Adhesive Technology Center for Advanced Technologies Center for Advanced Technology Center for Agile Technology Center for Alternative Technologies Center for Alternative Technology Center for Appropriate Technology Center for Army Tactics Center for Arts and Technology Center for Assistive Technology Center for Tactics Center of Agile Technology Central Administrative Tribunal Central Africa Time Central African Time Central Alaska Time Central Analysis Team Central Area Transit Central Arizona Trails Centre for Advanced Technology Centre for Advanced Training Centrex Access Treatment Certificate for Accounting Technicians Certified Accounting Technician Change agent team Channel Association Tag Chaotic atrial tachycardia Character Asignment Table Chemical addition tank Chemical Annealing Treatment Children's Apperception Test Chimeric acetyl transferase Chinese ACE inhibitor in acute myocardial infarction trial Chlamydia antibody testing Chloramine-T Chloramphenical acetyltransferase Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene Chloramphenicol acetyltransferases Chloramphenicol acyltransferase Chloramphenicol resistance Chloramphenicol resistance gene Chloramphenicol transacetylase Chloramphenicol transferase Chlormerodrin accumulation test Chloroamphenicol acetyltransferase Cholinacetyltransferase Choline acetyltransferase Choline acetyltransferase activity Chronic abdominal tympany Cis-Anti-Trans Cisco Access Token City Action Team City Arts & Technology Civic Action Teams Civil affairs teams Civil Air Transport Civilian Augmented Training Clean Air Today Clear Clear Air Transport Clear air turbolence Clear air turbulence Climate Action Team Close Approach Trajectory Cluster Assignment Threshold Cm acetyltransferase Cockpit Automation Technology Cognitive Abilities Test Cognitive Ability Test Cognitive Analysis Tool Cognitive analytic therapy Coital alignment technique Collaborative Access Team Collaborative Access Team's Collaborative Active Textbooks College of Advanced Technology College of Agricultural Technology College of Air Training College of Art and Technology Colorado Aero Tech Column agglutination technology Combat Action Team Combat Attack Trainer Combined approach tympanoplasty Combined Arms Team Combined Arms Training Combined-arms trainer Combustion Alteration Technology Comite des Activites Techniques Command Assessment Team Commercial Action Committee Commercial Air Transport Commercial Air Transportation Commercially available technology Committee against Torture Committee for Advanced Therapies Committee on accessible transportation Committee on Applications and Technology Committee on Arts and Technology Common Abstract Tree Common Admission Test Common arterial trunk Common Authentication Technology Communications Authority of Thailand Communities Against Tobacco Community Action Team Community Assistant Team Comp Analysis Teams Compact Active Transponders Compact audio technology Compared to k Competency Self-Assessment Tool COMPILE AND TEST Complementary and alternative therapies Complex of Adaptors and Terminals Compliance assessment team Component Advanced Technology Component Assembly Tool Compr Analysis Teams Comprehensive Analysis Teams Compressed Air Technology Computational Aeromechanics Team Computational Analysis Team Computed abdominal tomography Computed arthrotomography Computed axial tomographic Computed axial tomography Computer Adaptive Test Computer Adaptive Testing Computer Aided Teaching Computer Aided Technologies Computer Aided Technology Computer Aided Telephony Computer Aided Test Computer Aided Testing Computer Aided Tomography Computer Aided Training Computer Aided Transcription Computer Aided Translation Computer Aided Translations Computer Aided Typesetting Computer Assisted Teaching Computer Assisted Thermography Computer Assisted Tomography Computer Assisted Tracker Computer Assisted Training Computer Assisted Translation Computer Assisted Typesetter Computer Audio and Telephony Computer Audio Teleconferencing Computer Automated Test Computer axial tomography Computer of Average Transients Computer-aided teaching Computer-Aided Telephony Computer-aided test Computer-aided testing COMPUTER-AIDED THINKING Computer-aided tomography Computer-Aided Training Computer-Aided Transcription Computer-Aided Translation Computer-aided typesetting Computer-Assisted Telephone Computer-Assisted Testing Computer-assisted therapy Computer-assisted tomography Computer-assisted training Computer-Assisted Transcription Computer-Assisted Translation Computer-Assisted Treatment Computerised Axial Tomography Computerized adaptive test Computerized adaptive testing Computerized Aril Topography Computerized Automatic Test Computerized Automatic Tester Computerized axial tomographic Computerized axial tomography Computerized axial topography Computerized tomography scan Computing And Technology Concatenate Concentration Condition Access Table Conditional Access Table Conditionally Accept Tag Conditionally accepted tag Conductor Analysis Technologies, Inc. Conformance Acceptance Test Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia Connector Actuation Tool Connector Actuator Tool Constant Analyzer Transmission Constant k Constants k Construction appraisal team Container Anchorage Terminal Containerization with Aggregation-Timeout Continuous attention test Contractor acceptance test Control and Analysis Tool Control and assessment team Control Attenuator Timer Controlled atmosphere transfer Controlled Attenuator Timer Conventional Arms Transfer Conventional asthma therapy Coordinated analysis of the thermosphere Copenhagen Airtaxi Coronary angioplasty trial Corrections Association of Texas CORRECTIVE ACTION TEAM Correlated Angle Threshold Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope Council for Access Technologies Council for Automation Tools Counter Assault Team Crack arrest technology Crack arrest temperature Crack arrest test Craft Access Terminal Credit Accumulation and Transfer Credit Authentication Terminal Crew Aid and Tool Crisis Action Team Crisis Action Team's Crisis Augmentation Team Critical Acceptance Time Critically Appraised Topic Cryogenic accelerator technology Cumulated Aging Times Cumulative Abbreviated Trouble Curbline Access Test Curriculum Adaptation and Training Curriculum Analysis Taxonomy Customer Acceptance Test Customer Acceptance Testing Customer Access Treatment Cytosine arabinoside, adriamycin, 6 thioguanine |
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