About The Abbreviation Or Acronym CAF

Bay Area Crosswords

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CAF Meaning
CAF Meaning

What's The Meaning Of CAF?

Caisse d'Allocation Familiales
Calcium-activated factor
Call Attach Facility
Canadian Abilities Foundation
Canadian Advertising Foundation
Canadian Air Force
Canadian Armed Forces
Canadian Astromaterials Facility
Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts
Cardiac autonomic function
Carotid artery flow
Carpel factory
Cathodic Anodic Filamentation
Cathotic Annodic Filaments
Caucasian adult female
Cell adhesion factor
Cell antiviral factor
Central abdominal fat
Central Action File
Central activation failure
Central Adjudication Facilities
Central Adjudication Facility
Centralized Authorization File
Charities Aid Foundation
Charities Aid Fund
Chemical Analysis Facility
Chief of Air Force
Chinese Air Force
Chorioallantoic fluid
Chromatid aberration frequency
Chronic AF
Chronic allograft failure
Chronic anal fissure
Chronic atrial fibrillation
Citizen Air Force
Citric acid fermentation
Clean Air Facility
Cleared as Filed
CMM Appraisal Framework
Cobalt Aluminum Ferrite
College of Agriculture and Forestry
Columbus, OH and 5-fluorouracil
Combat Air Force
Combat Air Force's
Combat Air Forces
Combined acetabular and femoral
Combined Arms Flavor
Combustion air flow
Command authority function
Commander, airborne/air assault force
Commemorative Air Force
Commercial Activities Program
Common Application Framework
Common Area Factor
Common assembly format
Common Assessment Framework
Commonwealth Assistance Form
Composite Application Framework
Computer-Automated Fixturing
Conceptual Architectural Framework
Conductive Anodic Filamentation
Confederation Africaine de Football
Conotruncal anomaly face
Consolidated Adjudications Facility
Constant Applicative Form
Content Application Form
Content-Addressable File
Continuous Annealing Furnace
Contollable ATM Fabric
Contractor Accountable Function
Contractors Accompanying the Force
Controllable ATM Fabric
Controlled Access File
Controlled Access Folder
Controlled ambient facility
Cooley's Anemia Foundation
Cooperación Andina de Fomento
Core Asynchronous Transfer Mode Function
Corel Application Framework
Coronally advanced flap
Coronally advanced flaps
Coronary artery fistula
Coronary artery fistulae
Coronary artery fistulas
Corrective action form
Cortical activation function
Cost And Freight
Cost, Assurance and Freight
Council on Alternate Fuels
Course Appreciation Form
Crackers Against Fakes
Crisis Augmentation Facility
Critical Absorption Frequency
Cross-Application Function
Currency Adjustment Factor
Cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and 5-fluorouracil
Cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, 5 fluorouracil
Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil
Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and fluorouracil
Cytoxan, adriamycin with 5 fu

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