About The Abbreviation Or Acronym BSR
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BSR Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of BSR?
BackScatter Radar
Backscattered radiation Backside rinse BackSpace Record Basal skin resistance Basal Stem Rot Base spares report Base Structure Report Basic Semantic Registry Basic Semantic Repository Basic Service Rate Basic Services Repair Basic System Release Battlefield Surveillance Radar Behavioral self-regulation Belly Space Rate Bend Stress Relaxation Best Service Routing Beyond Sensor Range Bill Summary Records Binding Solicitation Request Birmingham Southern Railroad Company Bit Scan Rate Bit Scan Reverse Bit Status Register Bite Status Register BITE Status Request Biweekly Schedules Reviews Blib Scan Ratio Blip-Scan Ratio Blood sedimentation rate Board of Standards Review Body-Section Radiography BootStrap Router Bottom simulating reflection Bowel sounds regular BOWSER BRIGGS Brain stimulation reinforcement Brain stimulation reward Branch Status Review Branch to SubRoutine British Society for Rheumatology British Society of Rheology British Society of Rheumatology British Standard Requirements Broadband Services Receiver Broadband Services Router Buccal stretch receptor Budget Surplus Report Buffered Send/Receive Building Standards Register Bulk Shielding Reactor Burst suppression ratio Bus Select Relay BUS SELECTION RELAY Buschke selective reminding Bushen recipe Business Service Representative Business Service Request Business Strategy Report Guine Bissaur Airlines |
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