About The Abbreviation Or Acronym BFS
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BFS Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of BFS?
Bachelor of Foreign Service
Backplane File System Backup Flight Software Backup Flight System Bangladesh Fertility Survey Barco Federal Systems BASIC FILE SYSTEM Basic Flight Simulator Be File System Beam foil spectroscopy Benjamin Franklin Middle School Berkeley Financial System Best fit sphere Best frequencies Best Of Four Subjects Biaxial flexural strength Biaxial flexure strength Bibliographic formatting software BitFile Server Blast furnace slag Block File Server Blood fasting sugar Blow-Fill-Seal Board for Financial Supervision Boot File System Bovine fetal serum Bozzolo-Ferrante-Smith Breadth First Search Breadth-First Search British Fertility Society Broadcast File Server Broadcast File System Brute Force Supply Budget and Forecasting System Budget forecasting section Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz Bundesamt f. Strahlenschutz Bundesanstalt für Flugsicherung Bureau of Family Services Business and Financial Services Business Flight Sweden Business Forecasting Software IATA code for Belfast International Airport, Belfast, United Kingdom SAUL CENTERS, INC. |
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