About The Abbreviation Or Acronym B
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B Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of B?
Asparagine Babe Bachelor Bacillus Back Background Backlash Bacteria Bactericidal Bactericide Bacterium Badger Baghdad Bahía Bahamas Bahrain Baht Bainite Bainitic Baku Balance Balancing Balantidium Balboa Bale Ball Ballast Ballistic Balloon Balneum Baltimore Band Bands Bandwidth Bangalore Bangkok Bangladesh Bank Baptist Baptist's Bar Barbados Barcelona Barn Barnard Barnes Group, Inc. Barometric Baryon Basal Base Basel Basic Basis Basophil Basophilic Bass Bat Batch Bath Bathroom Battery Battleship Baud Baumé Bauxite Bavaria Bay Bayerite Be Beacon Beam Bear Bearer Bearer channel Bearing Beat Beaver Beginning Behavior Beirut Bel Belfast Belgian Belgium Belgrade Belize Bell Belugou Bench Bend Bender Beneficial owner Benin Benzene Benzoate Bergen Bering Berkeley Berlin Bern Beta Betula Biceps Bicuspid Bid Bidet Bidirectional Bilateral Bile Billion BINARY Binocular Biocide Biological Biology Biotin Bipolar Birmingham Birth Bis Biscuspid Bishop Bissau Bit Black Blackbody Bladder Blade BLANK Blastoma Blastomyces Blastula Blend Blight Blind Block Blood Bloody Blue Body Bogota Boil Boiler Boiling Boise Bolívar Bold Bolivar Bolivia Bologna Bomb Bombadier Bombay Bomber Bombing Bombyx Bond Bone Bonn Book BOOL Boom Boost Bordeaux Border Born Borneo Boron Boston Both Botrytis Bots Botswana Bottle Bottom Bound Boundary Bovine Boy Brace Braid Brain Branch Branched Brasilia Brass Bravo Bravo Time Zone Brazil Brazing Breadth Break Breaking Breath Breed Breeding Bregma Bremen Brewster Brick Bridge Bridgeport Bright Brightness Brisance Brisbane Bristol Britain British Brittle Brno Bro Broad Broadcast Broadcasting Broadening Broken Bromination Bronchial Bronchitis Bronchus Broth Brother Brucella Bruit Brush Brussels Bubble Bubbling Buccal Bucharest Buck teeth Bucky Bud Budapest Buff Buffalo Buffer Bug Bulb Bulgaria Bulge Bulging Bulk Bulletin Bundle Buoy Buoyancy Buoyant Burma Burmese Burn Burner Burning Bursa Burst Bursting Burundi Bus Business Butadiene Butane Butanol Butoxide Butyl Bypass Byte Cross-over barrier pattern Interpolative Magnetic flux density |
More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter
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