About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AUC

Bay Area Crosswords

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AUC Meaning
AUC Meaning

What's The Meaning Of AUC?

Ab urbe condita
Activity Under Competition
Acute uncomplicated cystitis
African Union Commission
Air Transport Users Council
Aircraft Utilization Code
Alberta Universities Commission
Algoma University College
American University of Cairo
American University of the Caribbean
Ammonium uranyl carbonate
Analytical ultracentrifugation
Area under a curve
Area under concentration
Area under concentration curve
Area under concentration-time curve
Area under concentration-time curves
Area under curve
Area under curves
Area under plasma concentration curve
Area under plasma concentration-time curve
Area under receiver operating characteristic curve
Area under receiver operating characteristic curves
Area Under ROC Curve
Area under ROC curves
Area under the blood concentration curve
Area under the concentration
Area under the concentration curve
Area under the concentration time-curve
Area under the concentration versus time curve
Area under the concentration versus time curves
Area under the concentration-time curves
Area under the curve
Area under the curves
Area under the dissolution curve
Area under the drug concentration curve
Area under the force-time curve
Area under the GH curve
Area under the GH response curve
Area under the glucose curve
Area under the glucose response curve
Area under the LH curve
Area under the PGFM response curve
Area under the pH curve
Area under the plasma concentration
Area under the plasma curve
Area under the plasma-concentration curve
Area under the receiver operating characteristic
Area under the receiver operating curve
Area under the receiver operator curve
Area under the response curve
Area under the ROC curve
Area under the ROC curves
Area under the secretory curve
Area under the serum concentration curve
Area under the survival curve
Area under the time curve
Area under the time-concentration curve
Area under the time-concentration curves
Area under the time-response curve
Area-under-the-curve values
Areas under concentration-time curves
Areas under curve
Areas under curves
Areas under plasma concentration-time curves
Areas under the concentration curves
Areas under the concentration versus time curves
Areas under the concentration-time curve
Areas under the concentration-time curves
Areas under the curves
Areas under the plasma concentration curve
Areas under the plasma concentration curves
Areas under the ROC curve
Areas under the ROC curves
Areas under the serum concentration curves
Areas under the time-response curves
Asset Under Construction
Atlanta University Center
Atlantic Union College
Auckland University College
Australian Universities Commission
Authentication Center
Authentication Centre
AUthentication Certificate
AUthorisation Control/Center
Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia
Automatische Umluft Control
Average Unit Cost
IATA code for Santiago Perez Airport, Arauca, Colombia
Transaustralian Air Express

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary