About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ASM

Bay Area Crosswords

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ASM Meaning
ASM Meaning

What's The Meaning Of ASM?

Abnormal Situation Management
Abrasive Slurry Machining
Abstract Service Module
Abstract State Machines
Abstract Syntax Machine
Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Accelerated Simulation Mode
Acceleration Simulation Mode
Accelerator Systems Model
Access Server Manager
Acid sphingomyelinase
Acidic sphingomyelinase
Acoustic surface measurement
Acquisition Strategy Meeting
Action Sous-Marine
Activated Sludge Model
Active shape model
Active State Management
Actuarial Study Materials
Actuator signal management
Adaptive Security Management
Address Space Manager
Administrative Service Module
Administrative Services Manager
Administrative support manual
Advance Survey Mission
Advanced Scavenging Model
Advanced Server Management
Advanced Server Manager
Advanced Service Manager
Advanced Skills Management
Advanced Surface Machinery
Advanced System Management
Advanced System Monitoring
Adversary sequence modeling
African Study Monographs
Age-specific mortality
Aggressive SM
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis
Agricultural Safeguard Mechanism
Air Separation Module
Air Situation Message
Air Solenoid Module
Air Systems Master
Air to Surface Missile
Air-Surface Missile
Air-to-Ship Missile
Air-to-Surface Missile
Air-to-Surface Missiles
Airborne separation minima
Airborne suspended matter
Aircraft Schematic Manual
Aircraft Schematics Manual
Aircraft Servicing Manual
Airfield Surface Movement
Airfield Survival Measures
Airline Specific Manual
Airline Station Manager
Airport Surface Movement
Airspace Management
Airway smooth muscle
Airway smooth muscle cells
Airways smooth muscle
Akademi Sains Malaysia
Alarm Siren Module
Alaska State Museum
Algorithmic State Machine
Algorithmic State Matrix
All-Sky Monitor
Amalgamated Steel Mills
Ambient Sound Microphone
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
American Society for Metals
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Mammalogists
American Society of Mammologists
American Society of Metals
Analog Station Module
Analog Subscriber Module
Analog Switch Matrix
Analyze System Manual
Anderson Schools of Management
Angular second moment
Angular Second Momentum
Anion Selective Membrane
Annual Survey of Manufactures
Annuity and Survivors Master
Antarctica Service Medal
Anterior sacral meningocele
Anterior scalene muscle
Anterior scalenus muscle
Anti Submarine Missile
Anti-Ship Missile
Anti-Surface Missile
Any Source Multicast
Aortic smooth muscle
Apollo Service Module
Apollo Systems Manual
Appendicular skeletal muscle
Appendicular skeletal muscle mass
Application and Server Module
Application of Software Measurement
Application of Software Models
Application Security Manager
Application Server Module
Application Specific Memories
Application Specific Module
Application Storage Manager
Application Support and Management
Application System Manager
Applied Simulation and Modelling
Arctic System Modeling
Argon Secondary Metallurgy
Arizona State Museum
Armed Scout Mission
Armored scout mission
Armored System Modernization
Armored Systems Modernization
Army Security Monitor
Arterial smooth muscle
Artificer Sergeant Major
Artificially Structured Material
Artisanal and small-scale mining
Assembler Language
Assembler Source Language
Assembly Language
Assembly Language File
Asset Management
Asset Management System
Asset Security Manager
Assistant Scoutmaster
Assistant Secretary for Management
Assistant Stage Manager
Association for Systems Management
Association Mode
Association of Systems Management
Aston Martin
Asymmetric Sideband Modulation
Asynchronous State Machine
ATM Service Multiplexer
ATM Switching Module
Attache Support Message
Auditory sensory memory
Australian Service Medal
Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine
Auto Shift Manual
Automated scheduling message
Automated Software Modernization
Automated Storage Management
Automated System Modernization
Automatic scheduling message
Automatic Sorting Machine
Automatic Storage Management
Autothrottle Servo Motor
Auxiliary Storage Manager
Auxiliary Storage Medium
Auxiliary Storage Module
Auxiliary Systems Manager
Available Seat Mile
Available Seat Miles
Aviation Safety Manager
Avionics System Manager
Awesome Flight Services Ltd.
IATA code for Asmara International Airport, Asmara, Eritrea

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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