About The Abbreviation Or Acronym APO

Bay Area Crosswords

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APO Meaning
APO Meaning

What's The Meaning Of APO?

Abductor pollicis obliquus
Absolute Positioned Object
Academic Personnel Office
Access Protection Option
Accessory Power Outlets
Accessory Products Operation
Accountable Property Officer
Acquired pendular oscillation
Acquisition Program Office
Acting Pilot Officer
Acute pulmonary oedema
Adaptive Performance Optimization
Administrative Penalty Order
Administrative Policy Office
Adriamycin, prednisone, oncovin
Advance Planning and Optimization
Advanced Planner and Optimizer
Advanced Planning and Optimization
Advanced Production Orders
Adverse patient occurrence
Adverse pregnancy outcomes
Aerial Port of
Afloat pre-positioning operations
African Press Organization
Aid Post Orderly
Air Port of
Air Post Office
ALARA Program Office
Alpha Phi Omega
Amebocyte-producing organ
American Community Properties Trust
Amoebocyte-producing organ
Amorphous Polyolefin
Anti-Parallel Ordering
Apache Point Observatory
Apo Island Time
Apollo Program Office
Apollo Project 0ffice
Apomorphine HCl
Apomorphine hydrochloride
Aq.-phase oxidn.
Armed Forces Post Office
Army Post Office
Army Procurement Objective
Army/Air Post Office
ASAS Project Office
Asia, the Pacific and Oceania
Asian Productivity Organization
Assaulting Police Officer
Asset Placement Optimizer
Asset Project Office
Associated Press Online
Association of Philippine Orthodontists
Association of Physical Oceanography
Association of Professional Organizers
Assurance Protection Office
Außerparlamentarische Opposition
Audit Project Odense
Australian Patents Office
Australian Post Office
Automated Purchase Order
Automatic Parallelization Option
Average passenger occupancy
Aviation Program Overview
Awards Processing Operation
IATA code for Apartacto Airport, Apartacto, Colombia

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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