About The Abbreviation Or Acronym APF

Bay Area Crosswords

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APF Meaning
APF Meaning

What's The Meaning Of APF?

Ablative-Pit Forming
Abteilung Presse und Funkspruch
Accurate Position Finder
Acid-precipitable fraction
Acid-proof floor
Acidulated phosphate fluoride
Acidulated phosphate fluoride gel
Acting Processing Form
Active Power Filter
Adaptive pattern filtering
Adaptive Positive Feedback
Adaptive Prediction Forward
Advanced particle filter
Advanced Patterning Film
Advanced Planning Funds
Advanced Printer Function
Afloat pre-positioning force
Afloat Preposition Fleet
Afloat Prepositioned Fleet
Afloat Prepositioned Force
Afloat Prepositioning Force
Afloat Propositioned Forces
After puparium formation
Aggregation-promoting factor
Air Pilotage Flight
All PINs Fail
Amapola Flyg AB
American Pain Foundation
American Porphyria Foundation
American Psychiatric Foundation
American Psychoanalytic Foundation
American Psychological Foundation
Anabolism-promoting factor
Analog Processor Fault
Analyst Private File
Animal Protein Factor
Anionic peptide factor
Anionic polypeptide fraction
Annual Planning Figure
Antiperinuclear factor
Antiperinuclear factors
Antiproliferative factor
Appropriated Fund
Appropriated Funds
Arterioportal fistula
Arterioportal fistulas
Asian Packaging Federation
Asphalt Plank Floor
Assigned protection factor
Assigned protective factor
Association de Paléontologie Française
Association for the Propogation of the Faith
Association of Professional Foresters
Atomic Packing Factor
Authorised Professional Firm
Authorized Program Facility
Authorizing Program Facility
Automatic pressure filter
Automatic Program Finder
Availability Planning Form
IATA code for Naples Municipal Airport, Naples, Florida, United States

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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