About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AIR

Bay Area Crosswords

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AIR Meaning
AIR Meaning

What's The Meaning Of AIR?

AAR Corp.
Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm
Acetaldehyde-inducible regulation
Acidosis-induced retinopathy
Acquisition Information Reporting
Action Item Report
Action Item Resolution
Activity Inventory Report
Acute inflammatory reaction
Acute inflammatory response
Acute insulin response
Acute insulin response to glucose
Acute insulin responses
Acute insulin secretory response
Acute interstitial rejection
Adaptive Intelligent Reflow
Adaptive Intercommunication Requirement
Additive Increase Rate
Additive Increase to Rate
Adobe Integrated Runtime
Adobe Intergrated Runtime
Advanced Integration Research
Aerosol ionic redistribution
Aerosolized iloprost randomized placebo-controlled study
Aerospace Information Report
Air Injection Reaction
Air Injection Reactor
Air Intercept Rocket
Air Mail
Air-Incident Recording
Airborne Imaging Radar
Airborne Intercept Radar
Aircraft Incident Report
Aircraft Inventory Record
Aircraft Inventory Records
Aircraft Observation Unit
Aircraft Recovery
Airglow Imaging Radiometer
Airlift International
Airline Industrial Relations
Airway responsiveness
Alcohol Influence Report
All India Radio
All-India Radio
Alliance of Independent Retailers
Allowed Information Rate
American Indian reservation
American Institute for Research
American Institute of Refrigeration
American Institute of Research
American Institutes for Research
American Institutes for Research's
Amino-imidazole ribonucleotide
Aminoimidazole ribonucleotide
Aminoimidazole ribotide
Ancillary Items Rack
Annals of Improbable Results
Annual incidence rate
Annual Information Return
Annual Infrastructure Report
Antigen-induced release of histamine
Apple Internet Router
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Incentive-Reiseveranstalter
Architecture Implementation Review
Area of Intelligence Responsibility
Artist in Residence
As I Recall
As I Remember
ASEAN Investment Report
Asociacion Interamericana de Radiodifusion
Asset inspection report
Association for Institutional Research
Association Information Recherche
Association of Independent Railways
Association of Independents in Radio
Assumed interest rate
Atmospheric Instrumentation Research, Inc.
Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation
Australian Infantry Regiment
Australian Institute of Radiography
Automated image registration
Automated image retrieval
Automatic Image Refinement
Automatic Infrared Rangefinder
Automatic Inventory Replenishment
Average Impairment Rating
Aviation Information Resources
Aviation Investment and Reform
Aviation Item Reports
IATA code for Aripuana Airport, Aripuana, Brazil
Replenishment Oiler

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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