About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AIM
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AIM Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of AIM?
Abnormal involuntary movement
Abnormal involuntary movements Abrams Integrated Management Abridged Index Medicus Academic Improvement Methods Academy for Interscience Methodology Academy Introduction Mission Access Intelligent Multiplexer Access Isolation Mechanism Accident Investigation Manual Accountable Item Management Accuracy In Media Achievement Improvement Monitor Acknowledgement Acquisition Information Management Acquisition Interface Module Action in International Medicine Action Item Master Activation inducer molecule Active Inert Missile Active Ingredient Manufacturer Acuity Index Method Acute infectious mononucleosis Acute myocardial infarction Ada Interactive Monitor Adaptive Image Manager Adaptive injection molding Adiabatic invariance method Administrative Investigations Manual Administrators in Medicine Adsorption isotherm measurement Adsorption Isothermal Measurement Advanced Industrial Management Advanced Industrial Material Advanced industrial materials Advanced informatics and medicine Advanced Informatics in Medicine Advanced Information Management Advanced Information Manager Advanced INFOSEC Machine Advanced Infosec Module Advanced Integrated Matrix Advanced Intelligence Management Advanced interactive microcomputer Advanced Interconnect Modeling Advanced Invar Mask Advanced ISR Management Aerial Independent Model Aeronautical Information Management Aeronautical Information Manual Aeronautical Informational Manual Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere AEROSONIC CORP. Aerosonic Corporation Affect infusion model African Index Medicus African Inland Mission Age of Intelligent Machines Agent Interworking Mechanism Agile Intelligent Manufacturing Agriculture Instructional Media Agroecosystem Integrated Management Aid to Injured Motorcyclists AIMCO AIMilano Aimless Air Induction Melt Air Intercept Missile Air Intercept Missiles Air Intercept Missle Air Interception Missile Air-Intercept Missile Air-Isolated Monolithic Airborne Intercept Missile Airborne Interceptor Missiles Aircraft Integrated Maintenance Airman Information Manual Airman's Information Manual Airmen Information Manual Airmen's Information Manual Airntercept Missile Alarm Indication Monitor All in medicine Allograft-induced macrophages Alternate Input Method Alternative Investment Market Ambulatory Information Management Association American Indian Movement American Innerspring Manufacturers American Institute of Management American Interactive Media Amplitude Intensity Modulation Amsterdam Interprofessional Market Analog Input Module Analog Intensity Modulation Analytical instrumentation module Analytical Ion Microscope Analytical ion microscopy Ancestry-informative marker Angel Investment Management Antenna Interface Module AOL Instant Messenger Apple, IBM, Motorola Apple, Intel, Motorola Apple/IBM/Motorola Application Impact Management Application Integration Middleware Application Integration Module Application Interface Module Application Interpreted Model Applications integration mechanism Applied Information Management Approximate inertial manifold Architectural and industrial maintenance Architectural Improvement of the Month Architecture Integration and Management Arctic Ice Mapping Area of initial mixing Area of interest magnification Argon Induction Melting Arizona Internet Marketing Armor, Infantry and Mechanized Infantry Armored, Infantry and Mechanized Armored-infantry-mechanized Articulation Index Modified Artificial Intelligence in Medicine ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MARKETS Artificial ionization mirror ASAS Interface Module Ascend Inverse Multiplexing ASIA MOTORS Asian Institute for Management Asparaginase, ifosfamide, methotrexate Assessment of Individual Motivation Asset and Identification Management Asset and Information Management Asset Information Manager Associate in internal medicine Associate in Management Associated Information Managers Association for Information Management Association for Innovation and Management Association for Integrative Medicine Association for Interactive Media Association for International Marketing Association of Imaging Manufacturers Association of Independent Multifunds Association of Independent Museums Association of Independent Music Association of Information Managers Association of Innerspring Manufacturers Association of Insulation Manufacturers Associative Index Method Assurance Implementation Matrix Asthma Initiative of Michigan Astrometric Interferometry Mission Astronomisches Institut Muenster Asynchronous Interface Module ATA Interface Module ATM Inverse Multiplexer Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Atomic Imaging and Manipulation Atoms in molecules Attitude and Information Management Attitude and Integration Management Atypical immature metaplasia Audio in Multimedia Australasian Institute of Metals Australian Institute of Management Australian Institute of Music Authoring Instructional Material Authoring instructional materials Authoring instructional materials program Authoring of Instructional Material Automated Image Makeready Automated Industrial Monitoring Automated Information Management Automated Informed Maintenance Automated Insertion Machine Automated Instructional Materials Automated intelligent microscopy Automated Internal Management Automatic Identification and Mobility Automatic Identification Manufacturers Automatic Information Management Automatic Inspect Mode Automatic Interface Management Automotive Interior Material Avalanche-Induced Migration Awaiting Incoming Message Aztek Integration Menu IATA code for Ailuk Island Airport, Ailuk Island, Marshall Islands Trabajos Aereos Murcianos |
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