About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AGT

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the AGT abbreviation & acronym meaning to help solve your crossword puzzle at the free Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary from Bay Area Crosswords.


AGT Meaning
AGT Meaning

What's The Meaning Of AGT?

Abnormal glucose tolerance
Abnormality of Glucose Tolerance
Aboriginal Group Training
Above Ground Test
Above Ground Tests
Academically Gifted and Talented
Active Generations Table
Activity group therapy
Acute generalized tuberculosis
Adaptive Guidance Throttling
Advanced Gas Turbine
Advanced Gliding Training
Advanced ground transport
Adventure Game Toolkit
AEELS Ground Terminal
Airwork & General Trading
Alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase
Albera Government Telephone
Alberta Government Telephone
Alberta Government Telephones
Algorithmic Graph Theory
Alkylguanine alkyltransferase
Alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase
Amadeus Global Travel Distribution
Angiotensinogen and angiotensin
Angiotensinogen gene
Antiglobulin test
Apollo Gold Corporation
Applied Graphics Technology
Association of Genetic Technologists
Association of Geology Teachers
Atmospheric Glow Technologies
Audio Graphics Terminal
Automated Guideway Transit
Automatic Guideway Transit
Automotive Gas Turbine
Average generation time
Aviation Gas Turbine
IATA code for Guarani International Airport, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

More Crossword Puzzle Abbreviations & Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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Abbreviations & Acronyms Dictionary