About The Abbreviation Or Acronym AGC

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AGC Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of AGC?
Abort Guidance Computer
Absolute granulocyte count Access Group Controller Adaptive Gain Control Adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia Adjutant General Corps Adjutant General's Corps Advance guard company Advanced gas centrifuge Advanced gastric cancer Advanced gastric carcinoma Advanced gastric carcinomas Advanced Graduate Certificate Advanced Graphic Controller Advanced Graphics Control Aerojet General Corporation Aerojet-General Corporation AG CHEM Aggressive Content Agricultural Genetics Company Agriculture Canada Air Group Commander Alaska Game Commission Altschul Group Corporation AMERICAN GENERAL CORP. Amphibious Group Command Anatomically graduated component Anatomically graduated components Annual Guideline Concentration Antigen C Antral gastrin concentration Apollo Guidance Computer Arab Agricultural Aviation Company Arkansas Geological Commission Army Geospatial Center Ashanti Goldfields Company Aspen Grove Creations Associate General Counsel Associate General Counsels Associated General Contractors Associated General Contractors of America Association of General Contractors Association of Global Custodians Atlantic Geoscience Center Attorney-General's Chambers Atypical glandular cell Atypical glandular cells Audio Graphic Conferencing Audiographics Conferencing Automatic Gage Control Automatic Gain Control Automatic Gain Controller Automatic Gain Correction Automatic Gapping Controls Automatic Generation Control Automotive Glass Consultants IATA code for Allegheny County Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States |
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