About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ADG
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ADG Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of ADG?
Accessory-drive generator
Accomodated Device Gateway Acellular dermal graft Adage, Inc. Adage, Incorporated Additional Director General Advance development group ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. Advanced Data Graphics Advanced Data Guarding Advances in Geosciences Aerea Flying Training Organization Air Defence Group Air Defense Gun Air Driven Generator Airplane Design Group Alapin-Diemer Gambit Alcohol dehydrogenase Allied Defense Group Ambulatory Diagnostic Group Anaerobic Digester Gas Anchorage-dependent growth Antidiskriminierungsgesetz Area Delivery Group Assistant Director General Atrial diastolic gallop Augmented Drafting Group Australian Design Group Authorized Distributor Group Average Daily Gain Average daily gains Average daily weight gain Average daily weight gains Deperming Ship IATA code for Lenawee County Airport, Adrian, Michigan, United States |
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