About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ABI
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ABI Meaning |
What's The Meaning Of ABI?
Abl-interactor Abortive infection Abscisic acid-insensitive Absolute Breadth Index Abstracted Business Information Access Bridging Interface Acquired brain injuries Acquired Brain Injury Acute brain injury Ada Binding Interface Adaptive Behavior Inventory Adaptive Brain Interfaces Adenosine breakdown inhibition Advance Boundary Information Advanced Baseline Imager Advanced Briefings to Industry Air Business International Airborne Broadcast Intelligence Aktionsbuendnis fuer Barrierefreie Informaionstechnik Alabama Bureau of Investigation American Bell Incorporated American Bell, Inc. American Business Initiative American Butter Institute Ankle Brachial Index Ankle to brachial index Ankle-brachial blood pressure index Ankle-brachial index Ankle-brachial indices Ankle-brachial pressure index Ankle-brachial systolic pressure index Ankle/brachial index Ankle/brachial systolic blood pressure index Annual Business Inquiry Anoxic brain injury Apoptotic body index Applera Corporation APPLERA CORPORATION-APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS GROUP Application Binary Interface Application Binarynterface Applied BioSystems Applied Biosystems, Inc. Area Based Initiatives Arterial pressure index Association des Bibliothèques Internationales Association of British Insurers Association of British Investigators Association of Italian Bankers Associazione Bancaria Italiana Atherothrombotic brain infarct Atherothrombotic brain infarction Auditory brainstem implant Auditory brainstem implants Automated ball indentation Automated Ball Indenter Automated Broker Interface Automated brokerage interface Automated Brokers Interface Automatic Bottle Indexing Auxiliary building isolation Average binaural intensity Average Borrower Indebtedness Avionics Bus Interface AWACS Broadcast Intelligence IATA code for Abilene Regional Airport, Abilene, Texas, United States |
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